My mom said my armpit smelled nice...

I didn't go back to work today after lunch. I paid my sister a dollar to call in for me. I guess it's a good thing that we sound exactly alike. I guess it's also a good thing that no one ever really pays attention when I talk at work, so they wouldn't know the difference, anyway.

My mom, my sister, and I went out shopping. I needed deodorant/antiperspirant and conditioner. (For some reason I use twice as much conditioner as shampoo, so I'm always running out.) Anyway, we went to the bank and got some cash, then drove to Factory Card Outlet. Glenda, my sister, wanted to buy some cards for her friends. I bought one for Levi. I'll probably mail it in the next few days. (I don't know why I always mail him things. He lives seven minutes away.)

Then we went to the post office for stamps. After that we went to Barnes & Noble and browsed. We were feeling tired, so we went home.

Once we were settled back in at home, my sister realizes we never bought deodorant. And that was the whole reason I went out! I just said damn it all, and went back to what I was doing.

I went to Taco Bell with Levi at five thirty. The workers there were screaming and yelling at each other. I didn't like it. He only had half an hour for dinner, so we had to hurry back. I went home, watched some television, browsed through magazines and, basically, waited it was time to pick him up again.

After Glenda and I picked Levi up, we drove to Wal-Mart. Once we got there, we spent about 10 minutes smelling and pondering different brands of deodorant and antiperspirants. This is a lot longer than it seems. I ended up getting my old stand by, Suave Ultra Dry. *clickety, click* BUT, I also bought Spring Breeze Secret, in the spray can thingy that I have to shake well before I apply.

I had to try it the second I got home. I went into an empty room and pits were instantly chilled. They felt all silky and weird, but smelled the way sunshine would if it could. I was so excited, I went in to tell my mom about it. I lifted up my sleeve and she took a sniff.

"That's nice."

I guess some people just don't understand. I hope this stuff works on top of the yummy smell.

Oh, and I also bought some Cortexx intensive conditioner. This stuff is the bomb! It makes even my split ends feel soft. It's kind of expensive, though.
*I wouldn't suggest buying this if you're morally opposed to gelatin, though, because that's the main selling point.

people like my armpits!